Beyond Chatbots — implications of Generative AI for product builders

This is a from a 6-page memo I wrote in March 2023 on the disruption potential of Generative AI. I’m “open souring” it here as it still seems relevant to product builders!

LLMs will unleash a disruption wave that enables machines to do high-value work only humans could do. While LLMs enable this wave of disruption, they serve as but one component within a large-scale, rapidly-evolving iterative systems required to power high-value use-cases. Large-scale task completion such as code refactoring will offer very high value but take longer to come to fruition. We believe it will be possible to improve business outcomes with legacy systems and reduce technology costs sooner. In this document, we present the unique capabilities LLMs offer and what systems will be needed to make them practical, adaptive, and trustworthy. We also look into challenges and limitations to consider.

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