First boot the TonidoPlug from an external hard drive, follow the directions here:
I had trouble doing it, it turns out my USB hub was faulty and wasn’t letting the TonidoPlug detect the hard disk at boot time. I changed it and this works like a charm.
Now you are freed from the crippling limit of the 512MB internal flash, assuming you’ve booted off a nice big hard drive.
ssh into the plug. The default password is nosoup4u for the user root. It’s recommended you change it as soon as you log in.
Make directories for APT to work. Somehow these are missing in the plug:
cd /var/cache/apt
mkdir archives
cd archives
mkdir partial
Now install deluge:
apt-get install deluge
This installs a lot of useless packages including some X and some GTK packages. Unfortunately, the PPA for deluge doesn’t work for Jaunty as dependencies are messed up. So you’ll have to let these packages be.
Once done, install Web-UI:
apt-get install deluge-webui
Now you should have python2.6 installed as well. Just check for it:
which python2.6
Let us assume the output to be /usr/bin/python2.6
Now check where deluged is installed
which deluged
Let us assume the output to be /usr/bin/deluged
Now you can run the deluge daemon using:
/usr/bin/python2.6 /usr/bin/deluged
Next set the daemon to accept remote GTK connections by running deluge in the console mode:
/usr/bin/python2.6 /usr/bin/deluge -u console
Enable remote connections
config -s allow_remote True
Check if the the value is set:
config allow_remote
It should display true. Exit the console UI.
Kill the deluge daemon using:
killall deluged
Check if deluged is still running:
ps aux | grep deluge
If it is kill it manually using kill -9 deluge’s pid.
Add yourself to the user list of deluge daemon by doing:
echo “yourusername:yourpassword” >> ~/.config/deluge/auth
Re-start deluge daemon:
/usr/bin/python2.6 /usr/bin/deluged
Congratulations! You have the deluge daemon running successfully on your TonidoPlug.
The default deluge version in Jaunty is 1.1.6. Unfortunately this is one and half year old version. Installing the latest version from repositories is near impossible given dependencies. Installing it by compiling the source might be an option you can try. I am, however, quite happy with 1.1.6.
You need similar version of deluge to act as a client on your desktop. If you have windows desktop, it is pretty straight forward, download the 1.1.6 version of deluge and install it. I have an ubuntu machine for desktop. So rather than having to mess up all the repos to set up an old version, I decided to get the windows version running on wine.
The following are the steps.
If you don’t have wine, install it:
sudo apt-get install wine
Download the deluge windows installer:
cd /tmp
wine ./deluge-1.1.6-win32-setup.exe
Install the software on wine. It may download GTK and install that as well – the irony of it all you are running GTK over wine over GTK :D. Once done start deluge.
wine “~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Deluge/Deluge-python/deluge.exe”
Check if the path is right. This was the path deluge was installed on my machine.
Once it starts go to edit -> preferences -> interface. Uncheck classic mode. Quit deluge by right clicking on the system tray icon and restart it again using the above command.
Add a server connection with yourip, your-username and your-password configured previously.
Voila! You have a terrific torrent client with full GTK interface to control your daemon on the plug.
You can also use the Web-UI at
You can use the full GTK client from anywhere using ssh tunneling of the deluge daemon server port 🙂
All the information here is derived from: with several edits where it didn’t work for the TonidoPlug.
hi rajesh… interesting here what u doing with the plug. i have had mine since may… running it off a usb hdd with transmission configured. noob at linux so pretty simple wiki based setup to the t. now i have a query, i want to run a reliance bb+ usb modem on the plug. somthing similar has been done on the sheeva but i cant get much sense out of it… maybe u can throw some light…